
On the impermanence, and importance, of things

<p> This is one of those infinitely digressive posts.</p> <p> I refrained from using a metaphor about the induction of <em>Guns &#39;n&#39; Roses</em> into the <em>Rock and Roll Hall of Fame</em> as an avenue for exploring Patanjali&#39;s Sutra 1.9 in class this morning.</p> <p> But, of course, I mentioned that I had thought about it–because I think people should laugh in yoga class, and think in yoga class and connect with one another in yoga class, because hell, you&#39;re going to have to try and do all of those things at the same time under even more stressful conditions outside of yoga class–which led someone to ask, as we were heading into the home stretch of the practice, how, exactly I had intended to do that?</p>
5 minutes to read
Michael Alan Dorman


<blockquote> <p>Awareness is a more powerful tool than effort.</p> </blockquote> <p> – Hannah Byrum</p>
One minute to read
Michael Alan Dorman

It's hardly coincidence…

<p> that as my grandfather was dying, I was probably talking about him–my dad had mentioned that he stopped eating at the beginning of the week, so it wasn&#39;t like I didn&#39;t know it would be soon.</p> <p> Still, for class yesterday, I had had a notion to talk about something else, and gotten it all planned out in my head, and when I sat down that all pretty much went out the window, and I really ended up talking about my relationship with my grandfather.</p>
2 minutes to read
Michael Alan Dorman