
Staying on home row…

<p> I&#39;ve long known about using the <code class="verbatim">UP (previous-history-element)</code> and <code class="verbatim">DOWN (next-history-element)</code> keys to move through the minibuffer history. It&#39;s always been a little jarring that <code class="verbatim">C-p (previous-line)</code> and <code class="verbatim">C-n (next-line)</code>, which I&#39;m very habituated to use (perhaps even more than the actual arrow keys, since I touch type, and can use them without moving my hands) don&#39;t work in the minibuffer—Emacs just beeps unhappily at me.</p> <p> I was pleased to find out that, in addition to the dedicated arrow keys, <code class="verbatim">M-p (previous-history-element)</code> and <code class="verbatim">M-n (next-history-element)</code> scroll through the minibuffer history. The should be much more easily accessible to me—and I do scroll through the minibuffer a lot.</p>
One minute to read
Michael Alan Dorman

Visual versus logical lines

<p> In GNU Emacs 23 the default line-movement behavior changed with regard to wrapped lines.</p> <p> Not that I realized it at the time, entirely—like not realizing that I not only knew <code class="verbatim">M-f (forward-word)</code> and <code class="verbatim">M-b (backward-word)</code>, but used them every day, I was so habituated to the prior behavior that I couldn&#39;t articulate what had changed, I just knew something was different that was annoying me to no end.<sup class="footnote-reference"><a id="footnote-reference-1" href="#footnote-1">1</a></sup></p> <p> It was only when I found a reference to <code class="verbatim">line-move-visual</code> in the GNU Emacs Manual, that I realized exactly what it was that had changed—and, more importantly, how to change it back:<sup class="footnote-reference"><a id="footnote-reference-2" href="#footnote-2">2</a></sup></p>
2 minutes to read
Michael Alan Dorman