What really matters on the Internet
I've actually thought it for a while, but it took
<a href="http://whatever.scalzi.com/2010/07/17/kodi-1997-2010/">a post</a> by
<a href="http://whatever.scalzi.com">John Scalzi</a> to get me to write.</p>
What really matters on the Internet–blogs, twitter, Facebook,
what-have-you–is that it acts as a place we can remember what really
matters to us.</p>
I've read memorials for people's pets–dogs, cats,
what-have-you–parents, grandparents, unborn babies, friends I've never
met and will never have a chance to meet, and they've all been worth all
the spam and blink tags and chain letters combined.</p>
One minute to read
Michael Alan Dorman