
Weekly Wrap-up #1

<p> This blog is supposed to be about what I&#39;m learning and how the process of refining my use of Emacs is going, so each week I&#39;ll be looking at what I wrote about in the past week (or perhaps earlier) and assessing how much I&#39;ve been able to change my habits or otherwise make use of my new knowledge.</p> <p> So this first week has gone pretty well—using <code class="verbatim">M-g M-g (goto-line)</code> instead of <code class="verbatim">M-x goto-line</code> has come up a couple of times and I&#39;ve remembered the new way of doing things, and similarly <code class="verbatim">C-/ (undo)</code> for undo. The change back to the prior handling of <code class="verbatim">line-move-visual</code> hasn&#39;t come up as much as I expected—I have a much wider terminal these days, so it&#39;s less of an issue—but I&#39;m nonetheless glad to have made the change back.</p>
2 minutes to read
Michael Alan Dorman

The existential pain of naming Backspace and Delete

<p> When I first started using uEmacs, one of the most confusing things was the fact that the adaptation had not been entirely completed, or at least on my platform (an Atari ST), the keyboard mappings were not entirely idiomatic—they hadn&#39;t kept up with the differences between VT-100-style keyboards and, well, everything else.</p> <p> I think this explains why I got very habituated to the alphabetic keys for deleting stuff, but don&#39;t have the non-alphabetic keys as deeply ingrained.</p>
One minute to read
Michael Alan Dorman

Visual versus logical lines

<p> In GNU Emacs 23 the default line-movement behavior changed with regard to wrapped lines.</p> <p> Not that I realized it at the time, entirely—like not realizing that I not only knew <code class="verbatim">M-f (forward-word)</code> and <code class="verbatim">M-b (backward-word)</code>, but used them every day, I was so habituated to the prior behavior that I couldn&#39;t articulate what had changed, I just knew something was different that was annoying me to no end.<sup class="footnote-reference"><a id="footnote-reference-1" href="#footnote-1">1</a></sup></p> <p> It was only when I found a reference to <code class="verbatim">line-move-visual</code> in the GNU Emacs Manual, that I realized exactly what it was that had changed—and, more importantly, how to change it back:<sup class="footnote-reference"><a id="footnote-reference-2" href="#footnote-2">2</a></sup></p>
2 minutes to read
Michael Alan Dorman

Just getting around

<p> The this blog had its genesis when I sat down to read the GNU Emacs Manual while we were travelling over the holidays—I figured I could skim it, maybe pick up one or two new things, but, really, it would mostly be just speed-reading.</p> <p> What it actually proved was that I had never tried to read the manual recently, perhaps ever. I would stumble across basic stuff I feel like I should have known all along, and then an hour or two later would have to work very hard to remember what it was that I had stumbled across.</p>
2 minutes to read
Michael Alan Dorman