On creeping censorship, the chilling effect, and reading documents you sign
Ars Technica has an article about a
<a href="http://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/news/2011/05/all-your-reviews-are-belong-to-us-medical-justice-vs-patient-free-speech.ars">dentist's
office requring you sign over the copyright of any statements you make
about them online</a> before you may receive treatment. There is
apparently a company that is dedicated to making this a regular feature
of all of our health-care encounters.</p>
Ars' dissection of why the contract cannot fulfill it's stated purpose
is spot on: the dentist's office says the contract is supposed to
prevent "competitors and disgruntled employees" from posting fraudulent
reviews–but competitors certainly will not have signed the contract, so
how could it govern them? Disgruntled employees might well have signed
such a contract, but given the semi-anonymous nature of posting
information to the web in this day and age, how could the office make
the determination that a particular poster was a former employee in
order to request that the statements be removed?</p>
2 minutes to read
Michael Alan Dorman