The Disappearing Spoon
There are, broadly, two categories of science books; those that focus on
one thing, with only enough digression to perhaps explain background or
competing theories (I'm thinking of <em>The Elegant Universe</em>, for
instance), and those that have a theme that try to tie together many
disparate bits of scientific knowledge or history.</p>
Sam Kean's <a href=""><em>The Disappearing
Spoon</em></a> is definitely in the latter camp. Though it certainly takes the
periodic table as its jumping-off point, it's really a broad overview of
the formalization of chemistry and physics as their own, separate
disciplines in the 19th and 20th centuries, seen through the lens of our
relationship to the not-as-fundamental-as-we-think (or, for that matter,
most of the scientists being discussed thought) components of our
One minute to read
Michael Alan Dorman