
Books of 2014, #8: Tripwire, by Lee Child

<p> Yeah, another week, another Reacher novel. I could probably do something more productive with my time, but you can only bang on your drums for so long before the other inhabitants of your home call &#34;enough!&#34;</p>
One minute to read
Michael Alan Dorman

Books of 2014, #5: Die Trying, by Lee Child (Jack Reacher #2)

<p> The &#34;Jack Reacher&#34; novels are causing me to realize that I haven&#39;t actually read a lot of conventional thrillers in…well, maybe ever. I mean, I read Tom Clancy&#39;s first few novels—basically, the ones that were published before I finished college—and that&#39;s about it.</p> <p> That said, I&#39;ve seen plenty of movies in this mold, so the conventions of the genre are pretty familiar. And truly, these don&#39;t seem to be bad renditions of the type…except for the sex elements.</p>
One minute to read
Michael Alan Dorman

Books of 2014, #3: Killing Floor, by Lee Child (Jack Reacher #1)

<p> If anyone wasn&#39;t completely certain that I was reading (and am now ripping off) Chet&#39;s posts about books last year, then this book selection will probably eliminate any doubts.</p> <p> I was looking for some low-effort entertainment, and based on the fact that the movie had been completely watchable, and that Chet has apparently read all of them, I figured that the Jack Reacher novels were at least unlikely to offend me terribly, since Chet tends to be somewhat more sensitive to such things than I.</p>
2 minutes to read
Michael Alan Dorman