I've been on the internet an awfully long time…
More than two decades, in fact, though most of the earliest stuff was on
borrowed accounts–I don't think I had my own email address until twenty
years ago <em>next</em> year.</p>
The funny thing is that there are people I know from my very earliest
ventures on the 'net with whom I still cross paths.</p>
In no particular order:</p>
<a href="http://www.facebook.com/sgrimm">Steven Grimm</a>, who is now a member of
Facebook's infrastructure team working on memcached (which we use very
extensively at Ironic Design) was
<a href="http://groups.google.com/groups/profile?enc_user=UASgvBQAAACx55dwHhwEwRiGqT1dtGCz6ByVaTvQhk5i4n6ZEwWJug">very
active in the Atari ST community</a> back when I was first getting on the
2 minutes to read
Michael Alan Dorman