Avoiding reverse lookups in dojo 1.2's dijit.FilteringSelect
Sorry, geeky post ahead, but I've been having one of those headache-y
times with a piece of code I've started to play with, and in Googling, I
found enough others who were having the same problems to want to have a
concise note of a (possibly hacky) solution.</p>
If you are using dojo, specifically a dijit.FilteringSelect, and are
frustrated that, upon selecting an item, your FilteringSelect tries to
do a reverse lookup on your label (which may or may not have an easily
reversible relationship to the value it represents), then let me point
you to
<a href="http://dojotoolkit.org/2007/12/12/dojo-grid-1-1#comment-10358">the
genesis of a solution</a> (mostly to establish credit, since I did have to
refine what was presented there for dojo 1.2)</p>
One minute to read
Michael Alan Dorman