

<p> This is some insanely taut storytelling, and while it tries to be clear what is happening at any moment–it&#39;s only about the jump cuts during space battles, which is probably an appropriate place to do that–it&#39;s happy to wait until later to reveal to you the implications of what you saw. Which I regard as a good thing–not assuming your audience is stupid is still refreshing.</p> <p> As an example, we see Six on the space station, seemingly destroyed, and then we&#39;re shown the same person with Baltar, and although we get that this is a signal that she is probably not one of the good guys (not to mention the incident with the baby–which I still can&#39;t decide whether to interpret as mercy or as the equivalent of pulling the legs off a spider<sup class="footnote-reference"><a id="footnote-reference-1" href="#footnote-1">1</a></sup> just to see what happens), they&#39;re happy to wait half an hour to let us know that they can upload their consciousness–and we&#39;re <strong>still</strong> not told whether the one on Caprica is the same one as on the space station.</p>
3 minutes to read
Michael Alan Dorman