Weekly Wrap-up #1
This blog is supposed to be about what I'm learning and how the process
of refining my use of Emacs is going, so each week I'll be looking at
what I wrote about in the past week (or perhaps earlier) and assessing
how much I've been able to change my habits or otherwise make use of my
new knowledge.</p>
So this first week has gone pretty well—using <code class="verbatim">M-g M-g (goto-line)</code>
instead of <code class="verbatim">M-x goto-line</code> has come up a couple of times and I've
remembered the new way of doing things, and similarly <code class="verbatim">C-/ (undo)</code> for
undo. The change back to the prior handling of <code class="verbatim">line-move-visual</code> hasn't
come up as much as I expected—I have a much wider terminal these days,
so it's less of an issue—but I'm nonetheless glad to have made the
change back.</p>
- Backward-Word
- Forward-Word
- Goto-Line
- Left-Word
- Line-Move-Visual
- M-B
- M-F
- M-G M-G
- M-X Goto Line
- Right-Word
- Undo
- Weekly Wrap-Up
2 minutes to read
Michael Alan Dorman