Category: Silliness

  • Don’t ask why

    There’s no answer that’s really going to be satisfactory, so just enjoy this video of homemade lava being poured onto a sheet of ice.

    [vimeo clip_id=19260895]


  • These are the most ridiculous and disturbing commercials I’ve ever seen…

    [youtube_sc url=erh2ngRZxs0]

    [youtube_sc url=j0_fVzTJO-8]

    In fact, I assumed that they were a joke, they were so weird and creepy. I assumed that the web site would be a big put-on.

    But as far as I can tell, it’s not. It’s a real ice cream place.

    Now normally, this would not be enough for me to blog this. But *I know people in Philadelphia*. I am more or less demanding that “you go check this place out”: and let me know if it’s as much of a nuthouse as the commercials suggest. Please. I have to know.


  • Jason Segel makes me laugh

    [youtube_sc url=9bZF6Kx88LM]

  • This could not be more brilliant…

    Halloween, the best of all possible times to combine “the worlds largest pumpkin and zombies”:

  • ZOMG, Cthulu meets Hello Kitty

    The only sad thing is that this is a cross-stitch pattern, not a T-shirt, otherwise I would totally be buying this.

    “Check it out”:

  • Why yes, there is a Google Maps extension for Emacs…

    I mean, seriously, “how could there not be”:

  • Bored with rock-paper-scissors?

    If so, I give you, “Rock-Paper-Scissors-Lizard-Spock-Friends-Pie”:

  • How did I ever forget?

    I happened to catch Don Johnson’s _Heartbeat_ while surfing by VH1Classic’s nostalgia programming. The only reason I stopped was because I had totally forgotten who played guitar on it:

    [youtube_sc url=ULI5kolBpAk]

    Warning, this might not be worth it to find out.

  • Saturday Morning Watchmen

    This is brilliantly bad. Right down to having Bubastis actually speak.

    [youtube_sc url=YDDHHrt6l4w]

  • Surely Chet knows about this…

    And yet, the fact that he hasn’t yet mentioned “Bacolicious”: to me suggests that maybe he hasn’t.

    Mmmmmm, bacon.

    Now, it’s 11pm, I need some fooking sleep.

  • Ejacs

    OK, so the thing about today’s hackers is that they’re often strikingly funny.

    So even if you don’t care about javascript or emacs, much less javascript *and* emacs, you should go read “Steve Yegge’s discussion of implementing javascript in emacs lisp”: because all of the digressions and other silliness are sure to make you laugh.

    I mean, here’s Steve discussing the name:

    bq. In that blog I mentioned I was working nights part-time (among other things) on a JavaScript interpreter for Emacs, written entirely in Emacs Lisp. I also said I didn’t have a name for it. A commenter named Andrew Barry suggested that I should not call it Ejacs, and the name stuck.

    “Via”: (who has his own history with Emacs)

  • These are the things that yogis think are crazy…

    We were in class earlier, and several people were talking about this clip.

    [youtube_sc url=xgpVYDLPKno]

    Mind you, the way she’s doing it, she’s only able to do most of that stuff because she’s really young. It takes skill to do it (and I can do most of it except for the bits involving the actual bow) when you’re twice her age. 🙂

  • An excellent choice for children!

    From [“Sci-Fi Wire”:]:

    bq. Vin Diesel told reporters that it’s still his ultimate goal to produce and star in a live-action film based on the life of Hannibal, but that in the meantime he’s producing and directing _Hannibal the Conqueror_, a children’s animated series about the third-century B.C. Carthaginian general who rode an elephant across the Alps in order to attack the Roman empire.

    This sounds cuddly as all hell. I’m sure there will be lots of funny elephants, and probably a second-in-command who’s just a little bit dumb, but is always amusingly abashed when he figures out he’s gotten things wrong. And a moral for each story. And probably lots of stabbing and trampling and people falling off the sides of mountains.

    No, wait, instead it’ll be:

    bq. So it’s Hannibal as a boy. So it’s like the boy and an elephant.

    The mind boggles, or, more properly, keels over in exhaustion.

  • You just _know_ the privacy advocates are going to have somethign to say

    I, on the other hand, am mostly going to laugh and laugh and laugh: “RFID-activated retrieval system brings urns up for viewing”:

  • I seriously, seriously cannot come up with an epithet.

    All the ones that spring to mind are laden with too much irony for a link to “Hal Lindsey proclaiming that Barack Obama is to the Anti-Christ what John the Baptist was to Christ”:

    Seriously, even for Pre-Millenial Dispensationalists nut-jobs, that seems to be putting a little too much weight on the fact that he made a speech in Berlin.

  • Two funny things I saw in the car today…

    1. One police car had rear-ended another police car.

    2. What I thought might be a badger, but, upon looking at some pictures, was obviously too thin to be one. Anyway, crossing the road, whatever it was.

  • Simple pleasures…

    It amuses me to think that clusters of very fast machines are being used, in their idle time, “to produce universal solutions to Rubik’s cubes”:

  • In fairness, the real Chet is more handsome…

    But label aside, I cannot help but be amused at the existence of a hot-sauce-that-is-too-hot-to-use (they go so far to say it’s not a condiment, it’s a “food additive”–or, apparently “a decent anesthetic”: that is named “Chet’s Gone Mad”:

  • It’s hard to blog when you can’t type…

    Which was my initial reaction to this video of a man making farting noises with his hands to perform along (horrifyingly accurately) Iron Maiden’s _The Trooper_.

    You. Must. Love. The. Internet.

    [youtube_sc url=S1WKYmx4i1Q]

    It includes the guitar solo. That happens at about 1:45 left. It is indescribable. And he’s just so into it.


  • I guess not buying stock back at the beginning wasn’t the only mistake you could make…

    “A law professor’s story about Microsoft”:

  • I hurt myself today…

    Laughing at this, that is.

    [youtube_sc url=uLQRv0RjBBM]

  • Tufte was a piker

    I’m sure it’s been blogged hell-and-everywhere, but this plot of US housing prices in the last century realized as a (literal) roller-coaster, “is just too good not to note”:

  • You may remember _Point Break_…

    or maybe you were lucky and sustained a blunt-force trauma to the head that swallowed that memory.

    For those of you who remember it, though, “you can catch an absurdist stage production”:, and, if you’re lucky, _you_ could play Keanu’s part because the lead is selected from the audience each night, to:

    bq. read their entire script off of cue-cards. This method manages to capture the rawness of a Keanu Reeves performance, even from those who generally think themselves incapable of acting.

    Oh, yeah.

  • Who is more uncomfortable, Frank or the host?

    The idea of Frank Zappa on a mainstream game show is pretty much incomprehensible from the start. I wonder what his mom thought.

    [youtube_sc url=vRNnRJny9j4]

  • It was ever thus

    Tech support through the ages.

    [youtube_sc url=eRjVeRbhtRU]

  • _A Streetcar Named Desire_

    I was just present for a discussion of a production of _A Streetcar Named Desire_.

    With zombies.


  • How could I not share?

    “Anthrax pays a surprise visit to the set of Battlestar Galactica”:

    With tracks paying homage to comic books (“_Judge Dredd_”:, horror novels (_Misery_ in “Misery Loves Company”), and movies (_Blue Velvet_ in “Now It’s Dark”), can a track dissing Cylons be far behind?

  • Oh, those silly GNOME hackers

    “Davyd Madeley”: hacked together “a small GNOME applet”: to measure and rate his contributions to the GNOME Bugzilla and set boudaries for levels and such.


  • Taking things to their logical absurdity is a public service

    “Paintings designed by committee”: No, really. Admire their unrepentant badness.

  • Now why didn’t Mr. Lovecraft think of this?

    It’s really quite scary “how well this little scene is done”: