Category: Flickr

  • So, a long time ago, I’d do links to random Flickr tags

    It was amusing, and just a little bit dangerous.

    I went back to “the list”: and checked out some of the results now.

    And ran across “this picture”: under the tag “wedding” that amuses me to no end.

    One party looks uncertain, and the other party looks like they know it.

  • Tuesday Flickr blogging

    Because it’s time.

    So, to stimulate those neurons of yours: “boxer”:, “alabama”:, “evolution”:

  • Monday Flickr blogging

    In honor of Chet and Erin’s wedding in Houston, I present to you “Houston”:, “wedding”:, “Erin”:, “Chet”:

  • Sunday Flickr blogging

    In honor of my cousin’s wedding in Atlanta, I present to you “cousin”:, “wedding”:, “Atlanta”:

  • Sunday Flickr blogging

    Yeah, yeah, Sunday Flickr blogging doesn’t actually seem to happen on Sunday that much. What can I say, though–calling it “Sunday Flickr blogging” creates *anticipation* of it happening, and that’s all you really need for marketing purposes.

    So, for your amusement, disgust or apathy: “moustache”:, “carnation”:, “hendrix”:

    Yeah, I’ve got Hendrix (specifically, _The Wind Cries Mary_) playing right now.

  • Yeah, it’s a couple of days late

    Sunday Flickr blogging was delayed by my dental surgery, about which I will spare you the details other than to say that I could really get to like Vicodin. How convenient that there are so many people on the Internets who would like to sell me some.

    Anyway, for your delectation, I give you “pho”:, “gums”: and “tuba”:

  • Sunday Flickr blogging

    I’m about to head out to Huntsville, to do some work for “i.e.”: (bringing up a new server, shuffling a bunch of other stuff around, etc.), and I hope to get some “AnteSpam”: work in, but I didn’t want to miss the second installment of Sunday Flickr Blogging: “turnip”:, “whip”:, “dalmation”:

    Perhaps on the plane I’ll make some headway on the several half-finished posts I have laying aroud in my head.

    BTW, the kid in the dalmatian clothes is amusingly cute.

  • Sunday Flickr blogging

    Inspired by my idea to link to pictures on “Flickr”: tagged with “Chet”, I give you the first installment of “Flickr Blogging”.

    “palomino”:, “sugar”:, “torch”:

    Note: This may be safe for work. Or it may not–I’m picking words out of thin air here, so there may be nothing but a big blank canvas.