CD Purchases

I’ve been dividing my purchases of late between new material by artists I enjoy (Nine Inch Nails, Daniel Lanios, others) and old material that I used to be able to borrow from “Chet”: and “Patrick”:, and thus have had no real contact with for the last 16 years or so.

With that in mind, I picked up Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers’ _Greatest Hits_ and the Doors _L.A. Woman_. It’s funny, because I picked up the Doors disc in order to be able to, eventually, get rid of the _Greatest Hits_ collection I have for the Doors–I still need _Soft Parade_ and _Strange Days_–while I picked up the Heartbreakers disc because I didn’t want to embark on the task of working through their catalog.

I’m really enjoying the Tom Petty, but I still can’t figure out why I made what is a fairly uncharacteristic move–buying a collection. I usually like a lot of stuff that never makes Greatest HIts collections; I know it’s definitely true of the two Tom Petty albums I’m most familiar with. Oh, well, I suppose I would be bored if I wasn’t somehow a mystery to myself.

Apropos of nothing other than the fact that I’m discussing Petty, I will mention my favorite line on all of Petty’s _Full Moon Fever_:

bq. Well I’ve been to Booker,
and I’ve been to Micanopy,
I’ve been to St. Louis too,
I’ve been all around the world.

I remember well my surprise, the first time we drove from Miami north and passed a sign for “Micanopy”:,+Alachua,+Florida,+United+States&ie=UTF8&cd=1&geocode=0,29.510130,-82.279460&z=15&iwloc=addr. It is, unsurprisingly, not far from Gainesville