Instead, I spent the time I would normally allocate to writing something for "Do you even lisp?" to enhancing org2blog, the software I'm using to manage this blog.
Well, enhancing might be saying a lot—since I've been doing a little
WordPress hacking in other contexts, I've become aware of WordPress'
new (released with 3.4, so only six months old at this time) "native"
XML-RPC API, and I chose to start moving org2blog
to use that, and
move it away from the hodge-podge of Blogger
and MoveableType
APIs that are currently in use.
I hope that over time this will simplify the API, and perhaps result in even better possibilities for interaction—it would, of course, also be great if we could start to abstract away the specifics of a blog's back-end requirements into a well-defined API so we could easily use whatever is the most featureful back-end for a given blog.
Others might see if differently; we'll know when I start sending in merge requests.
I also want to automate the process of storing local copies of articles in a hierarchy that mirrors their permalinks and a couple of other things. That I'm also effectively learning elisp at the same time will make all of that very interesting.