than an all-female Iron Maiden cover band (seen here performing Aces High)

would be an all-female Metallica cover band. Oh, what's that? There is one, you say?

Of course, any cover of "Master of Puppets" has to be judged by the sheer heaviness of the lead-in to the big guitar solo (in that video, seen at 5:36), which should sound like it is about to roll over you and crush you under its wheels.

And, sadly, that's where the one shortcoming both Mistallica and Iron Maidens suffer from is on full display—although their instrumental prowess is significant, even with Bruce Dickinson's famously large vocal range, most of Iron Maiden's tunes generally skirt the low low end of most female singers vocal ranges. It's even worse with James Hetfield, to has spent most of his career barking more than singing.