So twice in as many days I've found myself channel surfing to the video for Neneh Cherry's "Buffalo Stance"—a song I hadn't heard in at least a decade:

Incidentally, did you know she underwrote Massive Attack's first album I didn't.

Anyway, that reminds me of one of my few regrets from college—the time I didn't go see Michael Hedges. This would have been in 1990, right after the release of Taproot—my favorite of all his albums.

There were plenty of good reasons not to see the show, like 1) I didn't really have the money for it, 2) I didn't hear about it until the day of the show, and couldn't get tickets 3) it was more than an hour away in Birmingham.

The stupid reason that I actually ended up not going was because I was too cheap to pay for parking so I could go see if there were any tickets or scalpers. Yes, I drove all the way to Birmingham, circled around within a few blocks from the arena, couldn't find a space free space, gave up and drove back to Tuscaloosa.

When Mike Nix got back the evening, he told me that, in addition to a number of other covers he was well known for doing, Michael had performed "Buffalo Stance".

Well, 20+ years later, I've heard his rendition:

It's a little heavy on the piezo quack, but otherwise pretty wonderful. For good measure, I leave you with him doing The Who's "Eminence Front":

It's good, though I don't think it's quite as good as the real thing: