Everyone’s a building, burning…

“The Guardian”:http://www.guardian.co.uk/ has a gallery of “portraits of people immediately before and immediately after death”:http://www.guardian.co.uk/society/gallery/2008/mar/31/lifebeforedeath.

The sense of repose in the after pictures is wonderful. The varied expressions of life in the before pictures are beautiful. It’s 11 pairs of photos; it might be a lot to go through in one sitting, but you need to look.

It makes me a little sad that in their statements accompanying so many of the people–all of whom, I believe, were suffering from terminal illnesses–felt cheated.

There have been times in my life–and will be again, I’ve no doubt–where I’ve been unhappy, or disengaged, but there’s no way I could ever feel cheated.

Omnia mutantur nihil interit.