I am a JavaScript slacker…

That is to say, when I’m working on web stuff, I think almost exclusively in terms of what I can do on the server side–I have been known to use JavaScript to do simple pre-submission validation of forms, but that’s about as far as I go.

However, “there’s an interesting article on how to have your ajax-enabled site degrade gracefully”:http://particletree.com/features/the-hows-and-whys-of-degradable-ajax that uses the incredibly sensible strategy of shipping all your documents as HTML that works, if mundanely (what I’m used to doing) and then, _if it’s available_, using javascript to make them full-on-robot-chubby ajax-enabled masterpieces. You won’t even enable the ajax capabilities unless that particular promise can be fulfilled.

I’m sure this is old hat, and I’m terribly late to the party, but damn it just seems brilliant.