I might be hitting my stride

First, the big news: I have a place to stay. It’s nothing elaborate–a room in a house on 13th, near Logan Park–but I met both the landlord and the other guy in the house and hit it off really well. It has a kitchen and washer and dryer and a bathroom that I will only have to share if they bring in a person for the third room, which the landlord is not sure he’s going to do. If he does, he says he’ll give me a break on the rent.

I wonder how lucrative being an absentee landlord in DC is? I mean, if one of these brownstones is $500K, still, if you rent out three rooms for $1K each, surely that’s got to make the payment for a 30 year loan, right?

Someone do that math for me.

I also got to see Doom 3 for the first time–like I said, I hit it off well. I must say, it makes me reconsider getting that new ThinkPad; there are probably worse ways to spend evenings than getting the shit kicked out of me playing Doom 3 against my housemate, and the T42p will definitely run the game.

Anyway, I’ll be moving in on Sunday the 15th. This is a gigantic load off my shoulders–just knowing that I’ve got a spot, even if I’m not in it yet, makes me feel more settled.

The almost as big news is that I feel like I’ve found a project at work that I can work on without having to bother someone else at every turn: building tools for analyzing their web traffic.

In many ways, this is almost fun–I enjoy playing with the numbers, and finding new ways to present information and so forth. I know about a lot of tools and techniques that I don’t think these guys are as aware of, so I’m thinking I may be able to really wow them.

So I’m almost starting to feel like this won’t suck.

I did, though, get soaking fucking wet. I need to purchase a big goddamn golf umbrella–the dainty little thing the hotel was able to loan me did not do an adequate job of keeping off the wet, as I made the 20 minute walk to my new place.

In all but inclement weather, I actually consider that walk a bonus rather than a downside. Apparently there’s a bus stop just around the corner that probably goes to the Pennsylvania Street station, so I could even bus+metro it easily when it’s bad.

I wonder if I should have Anne ship up my big London Fog trenchcoat, though–I haven’t had much call to use it since Boston (you just don’t need one in Miami, and in Durham, I just don’t go out if I don’t want to, and I don’t have to worry about keeping off the wet so much), but it could come in handy here.

So, things are looking up, sooner than I maybe expected them to.
