I have nothing to add

So, of course, I was travelling last week, which means I wasn’t really in a position to post on D-Day, or Reagan or Tenet, or any number of other things. Instead, I was taking advantage of the fact that you can now ship wine to North Carolina–good for people who come to dinner, bad for the American Express balance–and seeing friends in the Bay Area, some of whom I haven’t seen since before I finished college.

And ultimately, I’m just fine with that. I don’t want to write about all this shit. I’m jet-lagged, still somewhat sleep-deprived and just generally cranky right now. You want to hear intelligent people, “Whiskey Bar”:http://billmon.org/ has the goods on just about everything, from “Reagan”:http://billmon.org/archives/001516.html to “abrogating the Constitution”:http://billmon.org/archives/001514.html to “how the right-wing is conducting itself leading up to the election”:http://billmon.org/archives/001513.html, while “Brad DeLong”:http://www.j-bradford-delong.net/movable_type/ links to a very interesting “a NYT article on honesty”:http://www.nytimes.com/2004/06/06/magazine/06BAGEL.html?pagewanted=print&position= as well as a bunch of other stuff that I want to read.

Me, I’m going to be working on posting pictures of the blooming lavender fields at Matanzas Creek.