As I was tooling around the UNC campus, playing musical subversive (that is, playing whatever mix CD I had in the car at moderate-to-loud volume in the hopes of making the lives of people I passed a little more surreal when things went from, say, Beck to Earth, Wind & Fire), I came to a stop sign. At these points I usually turn down the stereo a little, and I kind of idly noted that this was probably a kind move for the older, almost elderly gentleman passing in front of me, though it was just Dear Prudence on at the time, so it's not like it's all that abrasive.

And then it hit meā€“this song is nearly 40 years old. A guy as mobile as this one was couldn't be more than, say, 70, which means he was 30 tops when this came out. Hell, this guy could easily have been a Beatles fan. And yet the track doesn't sound dated at all.

Incidentally, it was apparently written for Mia Farrow's sister Prudence. I forget where I heard this.